Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Sprint Adds Location-based Apps to WiMax in Baltimore

Original Article

Imagine walking down a Baltimore street and by using your WiMax-enabled Sprint phone, you are told a mile down on the left, you can get find your favorite Five Guys burger. But you may need to go down a different street to get there because roads are blocked by police because of an accident, according to your phone. While you are in the area, stick around for a couple hours because at 7 p.m. Kanye West will be playing at an outdoor concert by the harbor.

That's the experience Sprint promises as it added today more location-based partners such as Yelp, a local business review site; Eventful, a local events guide done by map views; and Topix, a local news site. With the promise of faster access on WiMax, which the company compares to WiFi without the distance limitations of hotspots, the mobile experience around the corner is being described by carriers as one where your phone will know, based on where you are, how to direct you to any food, information, real estate and entertainment resources you may want nearby.

Soon those promises can be tested as Sprint launches its faster-than-ever WiMax service that currently is projected to cover about 70 of metropolitan Baltimore.

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